Readers Review Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

A selection of reviews from Amazon & Goodreads

Rose has a remarkable ability to uncover the treasures of ancient wisdom and in a practical and helpful way to impart application for today. This book takes the neglected, unknown and misunderstood and simplifies and equips so we can actively pursue wisdom. In a busy and distracted world, this is a valuable gift from the author.

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times is a book that lingers in your thoughts long after you've turned the final page. It has the power to inspire, transform, and guide you on your own unique journey toward wisdom. Whether you're looking to navigate life's challenges with grace, deepen your spiritual understanding, or simply explore the art of living fully, this book is an invaluable companion.

This book is of a different kind to any I have read. Enjoyable, refreshingly practical, insightful and all highlighting Biblical wisdom given to us by God Himself. After sharing his own thought provoking story Reuben goes on to mentor his readers through sharing biblical wisdom on 15 key life topics exemplified with stories and quotes on key topics. Reuben's chapter on friendship was was one of my favorites. His insights on the importance of asking questions were profound!

The book is easy to read and comprehend with a good consistent layout in each chapter. I particularly like the key points at the end of each chapter. There are so much nuggets that one can glean from this book that I recommend reading it slowly and to meditate on those areas that matter in our lives.

Rose makes a well-researched, vivid and engaging rationale for wisdom to regain the status it formerly had in the Hebrew scriptures, and the Christian New Testament, as both a lodestar to sail towards, and as a set of principles on which to build a fulfilling, engaged and productive life. This is not a self help book to be devoured in a sitting, rather, the author articulates a way of thinking and behaving that will take a lifetime to absorb.

The book is practical and insightful and the journey into wisdom is described by the author as one which brings peace, joy and contentment to life - and who doesn’t want that in this crazy modern world.

Wisdom is likened to a precious jewel in the Bible in the book of Proverbs. The more we look at a diamond the more of its beauty we see. Reuben's book on wisdom is also like this. We can glance at it as a quick reference or spend time soaking up its depths of biblical insights and life experiences. This book, like biblical wisdom, is a precious gem. Both young and old will benefit from the instruction contained in it. It is easy to read with many amusing stories as well as sound advice obtained from the University of Life.

I have found this book to be like cords of three strands consisting of sound biblical teaching mixed with concrete down-to-earth applications, which is told in the light of the author’s amazing life journey including his successes and failures. The book is written in simple everyday language, yet he skilfully communicates deep truths of wisdom in many facets along with plenty of life’s examples.

As you carefully journey through the pages of this book, you will soon see it is a map that has made it easier to gain true Godly wisdom in a world overrun with weak, unsustainable human opinion parading with a mask that pretends to be wise. His practical, simple ways to find wisdom will, if applied, change how you see life and, ultimately, how you see yourself.

I absolutely loved this impactful book about wisdom. Rose did a phenomenal job at exploring the different facets of wisdom and self development in this book. I particularly liked how personal and practical he made each topic. I was able to glean insight from his knowledge and personal experiences and walk away with specific ways that I could improve and influence those around me in a postive and uplifting way. The writing is very clear and engaging. This is a must-read.

His book speaks to the human condition and offers advice that is simple yet profound. A gifted storyteller, he weaves in stories from his own life growing up in rural Australia and other anecdotes that are relevant, engaging and humorous. His book was a joy to read and relevant to the modern times in which we live! In a world where the distinctions between good and evil, virtue and vice, and right and wrong are becoming increasingly blurred, wisdom comes into its own and so too does this book.

I am devouring the book and it is something I will keep turning to in times of need. Especially in our day and age we often forget the wisdom and the values of the Bible.
For someone like me, that has never read the Bible, the author Reuben Rose, brought those wisdoms closer to me, especially with his wonderful insights that relate to todays world and life. This has a greater impact on me than I thought possible. Definitely a MUST READ!


I strongly suggest giving this book a read, as it is masterfully crafted and incredibly straightforward to follow. The author includes a list of key points at the end of each chapter to reinforce the content and empower readers to make positive changes in their lives.


I am not a Christian yet I found this book a guaranteed page turner. Reading the text made me reflect on my life and although I have not yet shared in Reuben's faith I can recommend this opus as a great read for all audiences. Certainly five stars from me.

Compelling, challenging and at times deliberatively provocative, this account of a very personal journey through life carries at its heart a self – evident truth, i.e. that there is little that is new under the sun and that there is a vast bank of accumulated human wisdom that is as relevant today as it always has been.

I have read this mind blowing book Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Biblical Foundations for Life in a World That Has Lost Its Way and every Chapter will want you continue reading more and more.

I am really appreciating this book. As a new Christian it is sometimes hard to glean the wisdom I need from the pages of the Bible when I need it. This book has already done it and then points me to where I can read it in the Bible! The tone of the book is also written with a beautiful balance of Gravitas and humour, and expounded with honest, personal life stories.